May is National Foster Care Month

May is National Foster Care Month, ATTACh appreciates foster parents across the nation. Foster care intends to provide a safe environment for children and youth who temporarily cannot live with their families. ATTACh provides supportive care, education, and training to parents/caregivers and professionals who provide care to children and youth with trauma and attachment disorders.

The Attachment Therapy Companion

Here in a single accessible guide, is a comprehensive go-to resource on the foundational principles and treatment guidelines for doing attachment therapy. Based on the work of the Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children (ATTACh), a leading organization on attachment in child development, it provides all the nuts and bolts a


Intermediate OT Attachment and Trauma Certification – Session 1 of 4


Build your expertise in pediatric trauma and attachment Child abuse and trauma in the U.S. and globally is on the rise, and so is the need for highly skilled Occupational Therapists (OTs) who are trained to effectively treat a child living with the after-effects of trauma, violence, or neglect. The Intermediate OT Attachment and Trauma-Focused