May is National Foster Care Month

May is National Foster Care Month, ATTACh appreciates foster parents across the nation. Foster care intends to provide a safe environment for children and youth who temporarily cannot live with their families. ATTACh provides supportive care, education, and training to parents/caregivers and professionals who provide care to children and youth with trauma and attachment disorders.

The Attachment Therapy Companion

Here in a single accessible guide, is a comprehensive go-to resource on the foundational principles and treatment guidelines for doing attachment therapy. Based on the work of the Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children (ATTACh), a leading organization on attachment in child development, it provides all the nuts and bolts a

Attachment and Trauma Focused Training Mental Health (ATFT-MH) Series – (4 of 5)


Mental Health Professionals Learn to heal attachment wounds & trauma in children. Early experiences within attachment systems form the threads that weave the fabric of every human being.  A safe and secure attachment system builds resilience for a lifetime while attachment traumas and toxic stress can erode mental and physical health and well-being. The Attachment