OCT 14: “Real Talk: A Safe Space for Parents and Caregivers to Gather” (Open Share and Support)
ZoomThe Seven Core Issues workbook is designed to assist parents in examining and understanding their own core issues, attachment experiences, and history of loss and trauma as a way to gain insight, self-awareness, and tools to parent a child with trauma/loss. ATTACh invites you to join Sharon and Allison in an exclusive book club group built to support and empower parents in their own healing journey through the seven core issues. We invite all parents, caregivers, grandparents, relatives, and kindship providers who are in the parenting trenches with a child or teen who has experienced trauma, loss and attachment disruptions. As parents, you have the greatest power to assist in your child’s deepest healing.
TDTAC October Series
ZoomTreating Developmental Trauma and Attachment in Children (TDTAC) is a live, online, 38.25-hour, post-graduate level course for mental health professionals in the fields of child welfare, children’s mental health and adoption / permanency. The course consists of self-directed learning of resources that will be provided, a 1-hour pre class meeting, 31.25 hours of on-line or in-person class, and 6 hours of knowledge implementation classes. TDTAC combines the recent research on Interpersonal Neurobiology with the physiological and relational practices. After completion, participants will be eligible to register as an ATTACh mental health clinician and receive one year membership to ATTACh.
OCT 23: Parent & Caregiver Support with Sue Badeau- Topic: Understanding and Addressing Sleep Issues in Children (nightmares, night terrors, bedtime battles, etc)
ZoomTOPIC: Understanding and Addressing Sleep Issues in Children (nightmares, night terrors, bedtime battles, etc) FACILITATOR: Sue Badeau Become a member of ATTACh to attend! * Parent & Caregiver members only