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Catch the Wave of Hope and Healing with ATTACh in Sunny California for its Childhood Trauma and Attachment Conference

Join the Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh) at its 34th Annual Childhood Trauma and Attachment Conference, Catch the Wave of Hope and Healing on Thursday, September 29 – Saturday, October 1, 2022, at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel in Anaheim, CA. Now in its 34th year, the conference educates and trains parents as well as professionals in fields such as occupational therapy, education, mental health, social work, child welfare, faith/ministry, pediatrics, family care and other fields that treat and help children cope, manage and most of all, heal from the debilitating effects of trauma and attachment disorders.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Parents, psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health clinicians, social workers, occupational therapists, residential treatment staff, registered nurses, child welfare professionals, adoption and foster care agency staff and administrators, educators, advocates, juvenile justice personnel, researchers, youth and young people from around the nation and globally attend ATTACh Conferences. You will find this year that ATTACh has added training workshops, panels and presentations that are youth focused and also youth led.

Take a look at the Conference Program to learn more and to find the perfect educational track to advance your knowledge and understanding of trauma and attachment. Reserve your hotel early and receive discounted Registration Fees. Also, for a limited time, REGISTRATION SCHOLARSHIPS are available. for those who qualify. To learn more about the conference and to apply for a Registration Scholarship, visit the conference website:

For questions, contact ATTACh at