FEB 19: “Nobody Gets my Life!” (The unique stressors we experience of children with trauma or attachment challenges.)


TOPIC: “Nobody Gets my Life!" (The unique stressors we experience of children with trauma or attachment challenges.) FACILITATOR/AUTHOR: Sue Badeau Meet other caregivers and new friends, feel replenished and nourish your parenting knowledge by connecting with a group. Become a member of ATTACh to attend! * Parent & Caregiver members only

MAR 19: It’s Hard for my Child to Make Friends – Helping our Children navigate a social world when they often don’t feel they fit in.


TOPIC: It’s Hard for my Child to Make Friends – Helping our Children (including adult children) navigate a social world when they often don’t feel they fit in. FACILITATOR/AUTHOR: Sue Badeau Meet other caregivers and new friends, feel replenished and nourish your parenting knowledge by connecting with a group. Become a member of ATTACh to