• Becky A. Bailey, Ph.D. I Love You Rituals offers more than seventy delightful rhymes and games that send the message of unconditional love and enhance children's social, emotional, and school success.Winner of a 1999 Parent's Guide Children's Media Award, these positive nursery rhymes, interactive finger plays, soothing games, and physically active can be played with children from infancy through age eight. In only minutes a day, these powerful rituals:
    • Prime a child's brain for learning
    • Help children cope with change
    • Enhance attention, cooperation, and self-esteem
    • Help busy families stay close
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  • Editors Arthur Becker-Weidman, Ph.D. & Deborah Shell, MA "Through active use of self, the therapist is able to follow the client into unresolved areas, lead him when necessary, and communicate therapeutic presence in a fully active/reflective manner."--Daniel Hughes, Creating Capacity for Attachment Creating Capacity for Attachment presents a comprehensive examination of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), a relationship-based approach to parenting and treating children who suffer from trauma-attachment disorders. Buy on Amazon
  • Editors Arthur Becker-Weidman, Ph.D. & Deborah Shell, MA Attachment Parenting describes a comprehensive approach to parenting children who have a history of neglect, abuse, orphanage care, or other experiences that may interfere with the normal development of attachment between parent and child. Grounded in attachment theory, Attachment Parenting gives parents, therapists, educators, and child-welfare and residential-treatment professionals the tools and skills necessary to help these children.... Buy on Amazon
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